"Best in the West." COPS™ & GolfWest™
The USA Top Gun award is rare. So rare in fact it has only been given out FOUR times.

With over 33 stores in Utah, 116 in Idaho and numerous other states, you are never too far away from a Les Schwab® location. Contractors especially like this because downtime is money.

Every Employee at every Les Schwab® store takes pride in how they treat ALL their customers, and if you are visiting a store for the first time you'll find the experience somewhat different.

Les Schwab® Partners with their employees in a very unique way and this translates to Customer Service that is on a different level. We invite you to visit their YouTube Channel as well.

Les Schwab®, if you haven't been there before you are in for a Treat. Tell them Doc sent you.

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At Les Schwab,
We Take
Your Safety

More Locals use Les Schwab than any other tire company.